Know our beliefs

1. Preeminence of Scripture

We believe that the Scriptures are the primary objective, public, and corroborative (¿Cómo decir “corroborable”?) source of divine authority on all matters of faith and practice.

We believe that they were inspired by God, so that they contain no error or falsehood in their original manuscripts.

We believe that we can understand their meaning satisfactorily because of the divine condescension to speak in human language and categories, because of our being made in the image of God, and because of the illumination of the Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Scriptures should act as the measure of truth by which all speech, thought and decision in the church and in the world must be judged.

For these reasons, the Scriptures should be held in the highest esteem in the universal and local church, and should govern every activity of the church.

2. Biblical Exposition

Because the Scriptures are the revealed and infallible truth of the divine will, we should seek to study and obey them with all diligence, endeavoring to say and think only what the text says, neither adding to nor subtracting from it.

This is what we call biblical exposition, speaking always according to what the Scriptures say according to their original meaning, context and intention.

We believe that all Christian ministry should be a faithful expression of the exposition of the Scriptures.

3. Centrality of the Gospel

We believe that all correct interpretation of the Scriptures leads us to Jesus Christ as the hope of creation.

The gospel is the center of the Scriptures and therefore must be the center of Christian message, ministry and behavior.

4. Holiness of God

We believe that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so that His separated from sin character remains in all generations.

Therefore, every expression of devotion or ministerial practice should seek to honor this holiness to the maximum, but always bearing in mind that this is only possible thanks to the righteousness of Christ that clothes those who are born again.

5. Preeminence of love

We believe that any activity or word devoid of love lacks merit before God.

Therefore, love must reign in all the work of the church, and direct the interaction of believers among themselves and our relationships with those who do not believe.

6. Solas of the Reformation

We believe that the Scriptures alone are the divine authority that binds the conscience of believers and serves as the rule of faith and practice in their lives.

We believe that Christ alone is the way, the truth, and the life that enables us to be saved from our sins and reconciled to God.

We believe that we are saved only through faith in the person and work of Christ, without our works playing any part in it.

We believe that we are saved only by the grace of God, who foresees no merit in us, but by the pure affection of his will decides to give us Christ and forgive us by his work.

We believe that history, our life and our redemption pursue the ultimate and supreme goal of giving all glory to God.

7. Reformed Soteriology

We believe that sin has corrupted every aspect of our human constitution, inclining our hearts toward evil in such a way that we always choose sin.

For this cause, God has decided to glorify himself by choosing some without foreseeing any merit or faith in them, to work the new birth in their hearts, so that they receive a new inclination to righteousness that will enable them to treasure Christ.

This election was made in eternity, and is not limited to the justification of the elect, but also to their preservation until their death so that none of them abandon the faith and all inherit eternal life.

8. Plurality of elders

We believe that the New Testament clearly teaches that the local church was led by several qualified men called by God.

These men must fulfill the requirements of the pastoral epistles, and they are accountable to God for each person in the flock that is the local church.

All elders are equally pastors and bishops according to the Scriptures, and there may be as many in a local church as the Holy Spirit enables and calls.

9. Complementary Design

Men and women possess equal dignity before God but were created for different roles that complement each other in carrying out His purposes.

Men were created to lead and protect the family, church and society, while women were made as the ideal and necessary helpers of men for this task.

Only gentlemen can occupy the office of pastors, but every woman can exercise as many ministries as the Holy Spirit gives her under subjection to man and according to her role and spiritual gifts.

10. Biblical Membership

We believe that God calls the believer to join and submit to the local church.

We have the duty to remain gathered together to edify one another and to develop the great commission as a local congregation.

11. Biblical Discipline

We believe that God has given the local church the authority to bind and loose blessings and discipline upon believers according to their conduct in the faith.

Biblical discipline is a gift of God that preserves us from going completely astray and encourages us to persevere to the end in order to inherit eternal life with the saints.

12. Continuationist Pneumatology

We believe that all spiritual gifts remain in force.

We distinguish between spiritual gifts and offices that were once practiced in the Scriptures.

After the death of the apostles and the completion of the biblical canon, all prophetic mediation of new revelation ceased.

Today, the various gifts apply biblical truth according to the sovereignty of the Spirit to edify the church and reach the nations with the gospel.


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